#023: January 29th, 2018

It's time to get Unladylike

Knowing we could never do it justice ourselves, we turned to feminist and writer Katie Fritz to introduce this podcast. It was the right decision.If feminism is a three-course meal, this is the bold appetizer. The bleu-cheese crouton with kelp foam of finger feminism. It's punchy, salty, and really, really palatable. Pairs nicely with a cold glass of Time's Up and a cocktail napkins that reads "This isn't a reckoning. Yet."I'm talking about Unladylike, a new podcast from HowStuffWorks.

Serving pithy commentary, numbers-focused patriarchy breakdowns, and facts backed up by lived experience, Unladylike is a structured show about societal infrastructure. The narrative, didactic nature of the pod makes it easy to follow and difficult to argue against. Huge plus/ammunition for all the women who deal with "devils advocates" on a regular basis (author's aside: don't be a devil's advocate just for the sake of it. Arguing for fun against someone's real [usually personal] position is the definition of being an entitled douche).If you enjoy this amuse bouche, follow up with the flaming-hot Misandry podcast – more of an acquired taste – and finish with the light and refreshing Lovett or Leave it.

Hope you enjoy it,

Katie, Stephen, and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew

β€œI should not have to be dying to make a decision over my own body."


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