#033: April 9th, 2018

The Trip That Changed Everything

Apple Podcasts
Google Play

When people say that travel changes you, they’re probably not talking about that week you spent at an all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas. Travel changes you when you push your limits, expose yourself to new environments and cultures, and live new, often uncomfortable experiences.

New podcast The Journey hones in on the travel stories that result from a truly transformative trip, and the people that lived them.

From living off the land in Alaska to teaching improv in Kenya, each episode traces a trip that changed someone’s life forever. If you’re a lover of travel, this podcast will both heighten your sense of wanderlust and help tide you over to the next journey on your list.

Hope you enjoy it,

Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew

“Samba got his wish: he got a simple hut to live, sweat, and contemplate in; he got sick from the food; he got malaria; and he got a room full of fellow outsiders."Episode 2 - The Outsider


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