#034: April 16th, 2018
Murder! Suicide! Religious Cults! Tupac! Jerry Lee Lewis!

Occasionally a podcast does such a good job of selling itself, we see no point in attempting anything better. Case and point? This.
“DISGRACELAND is a new true crime podcast about musicians getting away with murder and behaving very badly.
Jerry Lee Lewis’ 5th wife? Dead. Sam Cooke 3AM in a seedy motel? Dead. Sid and Nancy? Dead. Why? Because musicians are crazy. Because insane things happen to them. Because we love them. And because we let them get away with it."

"Murder! Suicide! Religious Cults! Tupac! Beck! The Stones sleeping with the first lady — wait… what?
If you love true crime and you love music get ready to love DISGRACELAND.”
I mean… how do you not listen after that?
Hope you enjoy it,
Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew
“When it comes right down to it, we want our rockstars to be bad. We want to believe in the myths."Episode 1 - Jerry Lee Lewis: The Killer and Getting Away With Murder