#040: May 28th, 2018
A Gameshow Podcast for the Leaders of Silicon Valley 💻

Interviews with Silicon Valley’s elite are nothing new. In fact, they probably happen more than they need to (put a cork in it robot Zuck).
But, as with any startup, somebody saw an opportunity to flip something traditional — the boring tech interview — on its head. The result is Converge, a podcast game show hosted by Casey Newton.

The podcast is broken down into a few fairly self-explanatory rounds: The Big Idea; The Interview Round; the Wildcard Round. And while they play up the competition, really it’s a clever, roundabout way to dig into these businesses and the entrepreneurs or executives behind them.
Hope you enjoy it,
Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew
“Now we come to the interview round - the round where reputations are won and fortunes can be lost! ...That’s not true.”Episode 1:Sima Sistani from Houseparty throws a Tupperware party for pot