#073: January 14th, 2019

[Podcast] What Will You Do When The Ground Starts to Shake?

Apple Podcasts
Google Play

We’ve all heard stories of the Big One; the massive earthquake that might just turn the West Coast of the United-States and Canada to rubble. Grim stuff.

Most of us try to ignore it, lest it fill us with crippling anxiety. But there’s another way to combat those fears: be prepared. To do so, you need only listen to KPCC’s new podcast “The Big One: Your Survival Guide.”

An NPR radio station based in Southern California, it approaches the Big One with that lens, following along with a hypothetical person who has just lived through the event. They describe the devastation, what you would see and feel should the San Andreas fault decide to let loose, as well as helpful tips should you find yourself in such an emergency.

This story is supported by real life earthquake stories and testimonials, as well as scientific information to really complete the picture. What you’re left with is a great idea of what the Big One would look like, and a better chance of you getting through it. Considering there’s a 50% chance of it happening in the next 30 years, you might want to take notes.

Have a listen and let us know what you think.

Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew

“You have no idea that there's a monster beneath your feet lying in wait.”

- Episode 1: The Earthquake


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