#086: April 15, 2019

[Podcast] An Inspiring Woman Chronicles Her Own Death

Apple Podcasts
Google Play

I have to confess: When I first heard about this podcast, the idea of it absolutely terrified me. When I think about death, about the process and the finality of it, I get a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. And here was Julie Yip-Williams, a stage IV colon cancer patient, who decided she was going to record her slow death, both in a book and a podcast. I really wasn’t sure I wanted to hear that.

But I listened anyways. And honestly, I’m so happy I did. Julie: The Unwinding of a Miracle is as emotional as you would expect, with moments that you’ll want tissues on hand for. But taken as a whole, the podcast is actually incredibly empowering. It’s about accepting the unavoidable, taking control of the time you have, and going out exactly as you want to.

From the very first moments of the podcast you learn that Yip-Williams has passed away since this content was recorded. This gives her words even more weight as you listen, and while I went in terrified, I came out inspired.

This podcast is a true must-listen, and I can guarantee you today that it ends up on our best of 2019 list.

Have a listen and let us know what you think.

Evan (and Stephen)Your Podcast Delivery crew

“I couldn't watch myself be born, but I can watch myself die.”

- Episode 1: The End


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