#106 September 2, 2019
[Podcast] This is the History of Black America

It has been 400 years since the first slave ship landed in what is now the United-States. No part of the country’s history since that time has not in some way been touched or influenced by the descendents of people brought across the ocean against their will.
Their story is not an easy one to tell. But it is one that needs to be told.
And it starts in 1619.

It’s cliche to say, but everyone should listen to this podcast. It’s a remarkable, moving telling of the story of black Americans by host Nikole Hannah-Jones.
Please have a listen and let us know what you think.
Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew
"When you look at the laws born out of black resistance, these laws are guaranteeing rights for all Americans."
Episode 1 - The Fight for a True Democracy