#111 October 7, 2019
[Podcast] 9 bodies were found buried in the cellar...

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It was 1994 when journalist Howard Sounes jumped on a chance to investigate a string of murders in Gloucester, England. It had been revealed that a local married couple, Fred and Rose West, had killed at least 12 women. Even more shocking, they had cut up and buried nine of them under their house in the cellar.The Wests are now known as some of the most infamous serial killers in Britain’s history. Sounes was on the ground in the days after the case broke, interviewing everyone he could find: neighbours, previous tenants, family members. And now, 25 years later, he’s sharing his interview tapes with the world.

In addition to showing you a never-before-heard side of these murders, Sounes interviews new witnesses, continuing his investigation more than two decades after the fact.
Have a listen and let us know what you think.
Stephen and EvanYour Podcast Delivery crew
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