#251 June 27th, 2022 [Climavores]

📥 The Real Dilemma is the Climavore’s

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Like Brad Pitt in every single one of his movies, you eat. Whether you're noshing on an apple or devouring a sandwich, a considerable amount of energy was put toward getting your food from the source to your plate. While you deal with the "last mile" getting food from that plate to your mouth, consider the broader picture and don't forget to chew properly.

Farming and distribution require energy.

Energy production affects the climate.

Climate change is real.

If any of that becomes too much for you to take in, turn to Climavores to learn how to think critically about the climate and how our eating behaviors affect it.

As though from a bygone era, people call in to ask journalists and hosts Tamar Haspel and Mike Grunwald a question related to the climate. Those questions serve as a launchpad for each episode and end up being the topic of discussion.

Because the climate is part of a multifaceted environmental system (let's hope we're not breaking that news to you) there really are no limits to what you can expect to hear.

What can we eat for less of an impact on climate? Does buying local produce make any sort of difference? Should we pursue full-fledged agrarianism?

If questions like these come to mind as you're finishing that sandwich or as you eat your meal at the dinner table in front of the TV, Climavores is for you.

Also, if you’re looking for a good rule of thumb, consider this: if your food flies, there’s likely to be a significant impact to our climate.

Do you really need those out-of-season strawberries? Does that avocado toast really need to be on the menu at that European café? We’re not saying you need to be ruthlessly dogmatic about where you get your food. When we factor in things like animals, local may not always be the best choice. But hey – you now know a little bit more about where you food comes from.

Have a listen and let us know what you think.

🎧 Need more to listen to? Here's a podcast we recently featured on Twitter!

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