#304: A Landmark Legal Listen 🎧

Learn about how this supremely important ruling came about.

On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in favor of "Jane Roe" (Norma McCorvey) holding that women in the United States had a fundamental right to choose whether to have abortions without excessive government restriction.

The microcosm of events that led to this defining moment in American history is as important as the ruling itself and the focus of one of the most unique podcasts we’ve listened to this year – Supreme: The Battle for Roe.

On one end is Sarah Weddington, Texas attorney and advocate for women's rights and reproductive health. On the other end is Harry Blackmun, the soon-to-be appointee of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Before Roe V. Wade, Sarah Weddington had never worked on a contested case or even been inside a courtroom. Harry Blackmun had never authored a major opinion. They were both new, untested, and the least likely vehicles for the abortion controversy you can imagine.

A series of defining individual moments for both Weddington and Blackburn put them both on a collision course for the U.S. Supreme Court and together, they create one of the most defining moments of the century.

Supreme: The Battle for Roe plunges listeners into the tension-fraught world of reproductive rights, weaving a blanket of intellect, heart and controversy that's hard to escape.

From the moment you press play you are pulled into a vibrant auditory world where you have no choice but to bear witness to fierce debates, poignant personal accounts, and a vivid overview of the fight for woman's choice, making it clear that this podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the complex tapestry of legal and ethical decisions surrounding abortion rights in the United States.

From the very first episode, you are anchored in the conversation codified in history. The producers have an innate ability to balance emotions with a keen intellect, making even dense constitutional discussions digestible for the average listener. The recreated narratives, expert opinions, and recast archival footage truly aids in the development of a multi-faceted, humanistic view of a lightning rod subject and the landmark decision that remains

One thing you’ll come to appreciate is that Supreme: The Battle for Roe isn't simply a podcast, but a thoughtful prompt to participate in the dialogue while inviting listeners to explore a complex and crucial issue from every possible angle. It's hard-hitting and intense, but unfathomably relevant.

Supreme: The Battle for Roe is an absolute must-listen in today's heated societal space. We wholeheartedly mean it when we suggest you have a listen and share what you think.

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